Code Libraries
We love developers, so we want to make your life as easy as possible. We've created a set of client libraries for major programming languages so that you can integrate our APIs into your code in minutes.
What are you waiting for? Just choose your preferred language and get started.
The Python library is on PyPI, so you can use pip or easy_install.
pip install piplapis-python
Or grab the source from github.
The Ruby library is on, so you can gem install it.
bundle install piplapis-ruby
Or grab the source from github.
The Java library is on Maven Central
Or grab the source from github.
The PHP library is available on Packagist for Composer
"pipl/piplapis-php": "*"
Or grab the source from github.
The C# library is available on NuGet
PM> Install-Package piplclient
Or grab the source from github.
The Swagger definition is available on github
For more information on using swagger, see Swagger's getting started guide
Updated about 1 year ago