Rate Limiting

Your query may be limited in the following circumstances:

  • You have reached your monthly spend limit.
  • You are using a demo key and have exceeded your demo usage allowance.
  • You are making too many calls per second.
  • You have hit your daily, weekly or monthly key quota limit.

See Throttling Your Queries for information on how to implement throttling to avoid hitting rate limiting errors.

Rate limit information in included in the HTTP response headers:

X-QPS-AllottedThe number of queries you are allowed to do per second.
X-QPS-CurrentThe number of queries you have run this second.
X-QPS-Live-AllottedThe number of live queries you are allowed to do per second.
X-QPS-Live-CurrentThe number of live queries you have run this second.
X-QPS-Demo-AllottedThe number of demo queries you are allowed to do per second.
X-QPS-Demo-CurrentThe number of demo queries you have run this second.
X-Demo-Usage-AllottedThe number of queries you can make with demo keys
X-Demo-Usage-CurrentThe number of queries you made with demo keys.
X-Demo-Usage-ExpiryThe time (in UTC) when your demo allowance will expire.
X-APIKey-Quota-AllottedYour API key’s quota limit.
X-APIKey-Quota-CurrentYour API key’s used quota.
X-Quota-ResetThe time (in UTC) that your quota will be reset.

Example QPS Responses

Example Response: Error 403 - Per second limit reached (without live)

X-QPS-Current > X-QPS-Allotted

    "@http_status_code": 403, 
    "error": "Per second limit for total calls reached."

Example Response: Error 403 - Per second limit reached (with live)

X-QPS-Live-Current > X-QPS-Live-Allotted

    "@http_status_code": 403, 
    "error": "Per second limit for live calls reached."

Example Response: Error 403 - Per second limit reached on demo key

X-QPS-Demo-Current > X-QPS-Demo-Allotted

    "@http_status_code": 403, 
    "error": "Per second limit for demo calls reached."