A search response may contain either a person object or a list of possible persons, depending on our confidence level that we can match your search to a single person.


Typically, a single person response will contain more data about the person than a possible person object. To pull up all the data about a possible person, you’ll need to run a search using its search pointer.

Response Fields

A search response contains the following top-level fields:

@http_status_codeIntegerThe HTTP status code of the response. Successful calls will be 200.
@visible_sourcesIntegerThe number of sources returned in the sources array (if show_sources is not false).
@available_sourcesIntegerThe number of sources we know of that are relevant to the search.
@persons_countIntegerThe number of persons returned in this API response.
@search_idStringAn internal ID that identifies the search on our systems. Useful for debugging.
queryPersonA person object representing your search parameters. Useful to see how we understood your search.
match_requirementsStringThe canonical way to express the match requirement you’ve sent. Useful to see how we’ve parsed your criteria.
available_dataAvailableDataAn available_data object. A summary of the data we have for this search.
errorStringAn error message explaining an error that prevented your search from being run.
warningsArrayAn array of warning strings.
personPersonA person object containing the data about the person you are searching for—if a single person was matched to your query.
possible_personsArrayAn array of person objects containing possible matches.
sourcesArrayAn array of source objects, in case you need to see where the data came from.



Metadata is prefixed with the '@' character.